Making of the Constitution - Chapter 2 - Class 7th - Civics


Book Cover Civics Class 7th

Social and Political Life – Jammu and Kashmir
Making of the Constitution | Civics 7th | jandkncert |
Chapter 2: Making of the Constitution
Q1. Answer the following questions:
(i) What is the meaning of the constitution? When did it come into force?
Ans. The constitution is a body or a set of laws and basic rules which provide guidelines for forming government and governance. The constitution of India came into force on 26th January 1950.
(ii) What is the meaning of Preamble? Is India a secular state? How?
Ans. Preamble means an introduction to the constitution, in which the aims and objectives of the constitution are mentioned. India is a secular state because all citizens, irrespective of their religious beliefs are equal in the eyes of the law and therefore all citizens are treated equally.

(iii) India is a Democratic country. How?
Ans. India is Democratic Country, because it allows its people to choose their government through their representative. It also gives a right to the citizen of the age of 18 years to contest the election and become the representative of the people.
(iv) In what sense is India a Republic Country?
Ans. India is a republic country, because it gives its people a right to freedom of thoughts, expression, and worship. It also gives to elect their representative for a specific period.
(v) Explain how India is a secular country?
Ans. India is a secular country, because all citizens of any religion have the right to practice and propagate their own religion and all citizens of any religion are treated equally and are equal in the eyes of law.
(vi) Explain the nature and the type of our state.
Ans. Sovereignty, socialism, secularism is the nature of our state because it gives all the right to its citizen to form the government through the election of representatives. All citizens are treated equally irrespective of their religion and our state is a republican and democratic type because it gives the freedom of thought, expression, and worship to its citizens.
Q2. Explain in brief:
(i). Sovereignty:
Ans. The state or government who is free from external and internal control and in which the constitution is in the name of people and its ultimate source of all power is its people is known as sovereign government or state and the term is known as sovereignty.
(ii). Unity:
Ans. Unity means to come together to strengthen the power of a certain area, state, or country. The National Objective of our state is to bring together the people of different religions, castes, languages, etc. to strengthen unity among them for the progress of the state or country.
(iii). Integrity:
Ans. To work together with honesty for the progress of the country is known as Integrity.
(iv). Fraternity:
Ans. It refers to the state or quality of being fraternal or brotherly to others so that to enrich the National Unity.
Q3. Match the following:
(i). Our constitution came into force……………….26th Jan 1950
(ii). Our constitution was adopted on………………26th Nov 1949
(iii). The Chairperson of the Drafting Committee of the constitution was ………B. R Ambedkar
(iv). Time taken to frame constitution was………Nearly 3 years
(v). The constitution assembly had its first sitting on…………..9th Dec 1946

(v). Some constitutional experts of the constitution assembly include ………A. Krishnaswamy, B. R Ambedkar & K.M. Munshi.

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