Lalajee | Story 5 |English 7th | Tulip Series | (Jim Corbett)


Book Cover English Tulip Series Class 7th

Short Stories – Tulip Series | jandkncert |

Lalajee | Story 5 |English 7th | Tulip Series | (Jim Corbett)

Working with the Text

(A) Answer these questions:
Q1. Name the disease Lalajee was suffering from.
Ans. Lalajee was suffering from cholera.
Q2. Why could the author not spare time to nurse Lalajee?
Ans. The author could not spare time to nurse Lalajee because he already had three cholera patients to care about and he could not expect help from his servants.

Q3. What did the author make clear to Lalajee?
Ans. The author made Lalajee clear that he had not brought him (Lalajee) into his compound to let he dies there but he had brought him to make him well.
Q4. What was Lalajee’ s Profession?
Ans. Lalajee was a merchant. He had a flourishing grain business.
Q5. Why was Lalajee no longer a merchant?
Ans 1. Lalajee made a mistake by making an unknown man as his partner. When Lalajee was away for business his partner stole everything, he had in his shop that is why Lalajee was no longer a merchant at the time, he met the author.
Ans 2. Lalajee was no longer a merchant because he was robbed by his partner who was unknown to him when he was away for business.
Q6. Why was it difficult for him to start a business once again?
Ans. It was difficult for Lalajee to start his business again because he thought that there was no one to trust him and no servant could work only on seven rupees per month for him, also he had only five hundred rupees in his possession.
Q7. What surprise was in store for Lalajee before he left Mokameh Ghat?
Ans. Before Lalajee left Mokameh Ghat, to his surprise, there was a ticket for Gaya and five one-hundred-rupee notes which the author put in his hand.
Q8. How did Lalajee react when he got the money and the ticket?
Ans. When Lalajee got the money and ticket his face kept glancing and he put his head on his (Author) feet and promised for the return of his money.
Q9. What promise did Lalajee make?
Ans. Lalajee promised to return his (Author’s) money within one year.
Q10. How did Lalajee pay back the author’s courtesy?
Ans 1. For the author’s respect and help, Lalajee paid back by sending him a big basket of choicest mangoes from his garden, each year for eleven years.
Ans 2. The author spent eleven years at Mokameh Ghat and each year he received a big basket of the choicest mangoes from his garden to pay him back for his courtesy.
(B) Write True or False against each statement:
1. The narrator had been at Mokameh Ghat for ten years. True
2. People in India are not afraid of cholera. False
3. Lalajee was merchant basically. True
4. Lalajee was on his way from Gaya to Muzaffarpur. True
5. The train to Gaya left at 8.30 p.m. False
6. Lalajee was happy when the narrator did not accept his interest. False
7. Lalajee attained the ambition of becoming a merchant once again. True

Language Work

A) Substitute the following with one word:
a) The acts or instances of suspecting. Suspicions (
b) Attacking or affecting many persons simultaneously. Epidemic
c) To continue in existence after a passage of adversity. Accomplish, Survive
d) A rough and violent person. Brute
e) Ending of the stipulated time. Expire
A) Fill in the blanks with '-ing' form of verb or infinitive (to + base form of the verb) given in brackets:
i) How old were you when you learned to drive? (drive)
ii) I don’t mind walking home. (walk)
iii) I can’t make decisions. I keep changing my mind. (change)
iv) She refused to help me. (help)
v) Children enjoy listening to stories. (listen)
vi) The thief denied stealing the watch. (steal)
vii) Students suggested going for a picnic. (go)
viii) Our teacher dislikes smoking. (smoke)
ix) My son likes playing cricket. (play)
x) If you don’t succeed, you should go trying. (try)
xi) I was very tired. I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn’t. (keep)
xii) I can’t afford buying or to buy a car. (buy)
xiii) Hasn’t it stopped raining yet? (rain)
xiv) My friend wanted to become a doctor when he was young. (become)

Grammar Work

A) Change the following sentences into indirect speech:
1. Direct: She said to me, “Do not take much tea.”
Indirect: She advised me not to take a lot of tea.
2. Direct: The teacher said to the students, “Be punctual and do your work regularly.”
Indirect: The teacher ordered the students to be punctual and do their work regularly.
3.Direct: I said to him, “Wait here till I return.”
Indirect: I requested him to wait there till my return.
4. Direct: I said to my servant, “Post this letter.”
Indirect: I ordered my servant to post that letter.
5. Direct: The General said to the soldiers, “Attack the enemy.”
Indirect: The General commanded the soldiers to attack the enemy.
6. Direct: His father said to him, “Do not mix with bad boys.”
Indirect: His father forbade him to mix with bad boys.
7. Direct: He said to me, “Please lend me your bicycle.”
Indirect: He requested me to lend him my bicycle.
8. Direct: He said to the servant, “Lay the table.”
Indirect: He ordered the servant to lay the table.
9. Direct: The robber said to the traveller, “Hand over everything to me.”
Indirect: The robber threatened the traveller to hand over everything to him.
10. Direct: The teacher said to the students, “Work hard.”
Indirect: The teacher advised the students to work hard.
B) Change the following sentences into direct speech:
1. Indirect: He ordered his servant to go to the bazaar and bring fruits and vegetables.
Direct: He said to his servant, “Go to the bazaar and bring fruits and vegetables.”
2. Indirect: I requested him not to disturb the patient.
Direct: I said to him, “Do not disturb the patients.”
3. Indirect: The teacher advised us to trust in God and do the right.
Direct: The teacher said to us, “Trust in God and do the right.”
4. Indirect: My father forbade me to gamble.
Direct: My father said to me, “Do not gamble.”
5. Indirect: I requested him to lend me two hundred rupees.
Direct: I said to him, “Please lend me two hundred rupees.”

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